Making Your Visions Come Alive

Tannie and Debra came from out of town to create their 12 hr program with multiple voices, chapters, sound effects, and music. It was an undertaking to say the least, but in good hands at Allusion Studios.

Come, join Tannie Bennett and Debra Hale in this masterful work of discovering your divine potential, unique gifts, and your life's purpose. Then learn how to use this marvelous information in the Creative Process so that you too can Make Your Visions Come Alive.

Tannie and Debra have spent years discovering and learning the Creative Process. In Making Your Visions Come Alive, Becoming a Master Creator you will learn the "ins and outs" of becoming the Master Creator you are destined to be. You will discover the natural flow of energy and how this will support you in the Creative Process. You will learn why your creations do not manifest, the gift of the opposition, and how to move forward into the life of your dreams. This program is a powerful journey of discovery that you will enjoy and benefit from for the rest of your life. Discover for yourself that the universe is your playground and all things are possible.

We believe we are all Creators and it is Divine will for us to live a fully abundant life. Join us as we, together, fill the measure of our creation and become all that we are eternally meant to be.

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